
Do you want to learn about sexual violence and trauma? Witness is an international organization that trains and supports people using video in their fight for human rights. In 2013, they launched a 6 video serie and a written guide: Conducting Safe, Effective and Ethical Interviews with Survivors of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in different languages! Witness 6 part-video series: Conducting Interviews with survivors of Sexual and gender-based violence

mora witness

SECRET SURVIVORS is theater project, created by Ping Chong + Company that seeks to create awareness about child sexual abuse by presenting five survivors telling their own story while exploring the roots of sexual violence and break the silence.


THE MONUMENT QUILT is an on-going collection of stories from survivors of rape and abuse. Written, stitched, and painted onto red fabric, our stories are displayed in city and town centers to create and demand public space to heal. Created by Force: upsetting rape culture


The Monument Quilt, Queens NY, August, 2014


New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault 


Rape Abuse & Incest National Network RAIN

National Sexual Assault Hotline 800 – 656 – HOPE (4673)


 Violence Intervention Program (VIPMujeres)

Need help? Call 1-800-664-5880


The New York City Anti-Violence Project

24-hour Hotline: 212.714.1141

Logo La Casa Mandarina

La Casa Mandarina AC – Mexico

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